The vegetable plot

As you can see, the vegetable plot is fairly small, being about 15 feet long by about 6 feet deep.
My small vegetable garden

The first task was deciding what to sow.

I've tried to select seeds to sow that will make the most of this limited space, so fast growing, small, high yielding veg are in, anything that is likely to take over the plot is instantly ruled out.  Additionally, as a very much beginner gardener I needed easy to grow veg.  Anything marked "great for kids" was a plus as it meant I had more of a chance of successfully growing something from seed, and generally it meant a quicker growing plant as well.  I am naturally impatient, so this appealed a lot!

After pouring over seed catalogues, I settled on some small lettuces (little gem and tom thumb) which also promised to grow quickly, as well as french breakfast radishes, spring onion sentry (I still don't know what the "sentry" bit means), purple carrots, nantes early 2 carrots, asparagus, garlic, "True and tender" parsnips and two types of Beetroot (boltardy and Alto f1 hybrid).