Thursday, 28 April 2011


I've now got a garden for the first time ever, and so can finally have the vegetable plot that I have wanted for ages.  The trouble is, I have no idea what I am doing!  What should my seedlings look like?  How long before they germinate and most importantly, when can i eat them?

This blog hopes to document my results and with the aid of a few photos, hopefully help a few others with similar queries.

Ideally I'd have started this blog with the first seeds going into the ground in March, but hey-ho, I forgot.

No matter, we're starting this in early May, and still have plenty of time to plant seeds and track their development.  So far we have in the ground - Garlic, Asparagus, spring onions, atlas carrots, nantes early 2 carrots, beetroot (alto f1 hardy), parsnips, beetroot (boltardy), french breakfast radish, rocket, little gem lettuce and tom thumb lettuce.  More than enough for now!